Tropical Storm Olivia approaches
Tropical Storm Olivia is approaching. We have drizzles from time to time, and sun every once in a while. We have almost no wind, and it’s not particularly hot or muggy. We did have a small earthquake a while ago. I do not like it when I must chose between going outside because of any earthquake and staying inside because of high winds or lightening!
The pasture animals are staying close to shelter
All of the animals have chosen to stay under cover this morning. I will have to keep a close eye on the sheep, since if they decide to leave their shed

they can easily get stranded if the water rises quickly. That can result in horrible health problems, including fly strike, so I may need to use my trusty dog, and his not so trusty side-kick, to bring them in if the streams start to rise.
Even if the winds do not rise, flooding can make life miserable
We have been threatened by hurricanes often, and have yet to be badly affected by one. Some believe that the modeling used by the forecasters does not do a good job of accounting for the effect of our huge mountains. For whatever reason, storms tend to veer away or lose strength as the approach. But even without strong winds, flooding can make life miserable, and I am taking Tropical Storm Olivia seriously.
Low lying areas will flood, and trees will come down even without high winds if the soil becomes too soggy. The power may go out-although that’s just an excuse to eat up the ice cream in the freezer! Kids will get antsy if they must stay home and indoors, and pets will track in water and worse if allowed outdoors.
We are lucky, though, that we live on an Island!
The rain water will flow out to sea fairly quickly, the sun will come out and within days of tropical storm Olivia’s arrival, there will be little to remind us of her!